Ginnie’s Beans
Well summer has nearly arrived in the UK and our little veggies in the allotment are finally starting to grow! Most importantly our broad beans that Ginnie planted many months ago have finally taken off and are now producing little…
Two weeks ago we went down to our allotment for the first time in a while .. and discovered that our tulips had come out. They are such massive, bold flowers .. you can see why people like them.
Year 2
Summer is coming and our allotment is starting to get fired up again. We are a little bit slower than last year I think, but because we’ve learned which things work and which don’t we are hoping to have a…
Spring Flowers
It’s a hopeful time of the year to be in the North. The days are getting longer by several minutes a day now, and thanks to global warming most plants are well and truly in flower. Just to celebrate the…
Despite being subjected to some nasty experiments our tomato plants are thriving in our little back yard. We’ve counted about 40-50 baby tomatoes on their way with loads more to come … hopefully they will not completely take over our…
Flower food
Sunflowers are the coolest plants. They grow so fast towards the light that they seem like they have little personalities. I personally am keen to try and extract the seeds but for now it’s just cool to see the flowers…
Harvest Bounty!
This weekend we brought out Rob (the harvesting machine) Ingle to our allotment where he swung into action picking, digging, weeding and sowing. The results of this labour were an awesome bounty for the kitchen table
Harvest day
Today we had a big harvest day on our allotment! It was a nice sunny day and we thought it was time to harvest all of our broad beans and radishes. We also harvested a lot of mint as Ira…
Fighting against the weeds
All of a sudden the weeds in our allotment have started to go crazy! When we came back from our little trip to Belfast they had almost taken over the plot. I thought I would be safe attacking them with…
Hedgehogs and Tulips!
It really feels like Spring is finally here, especially now that daylight saving is upon us! The temperature soared this weekend to a scorching 15 degrees! Lots of the flowers I have planted in our backyard and the allotment have…